The Ivanhoe East Primary School uniform is compulsory and can be purchased from PSW in Kew East. There are many uniform options available so that our students are comfortable throughout the school day. Please label your child’s uniform so that it can be returned to them if it is misplaced.
We have moved!! The Second Hand Uniform shop is now located next to the front office.
Second Hand uniform items are available to purchase for $5 from the Second Hand Uniform shop each Friday morning from 8.30-9.15am. Payment is strictly card only.
The uniform shop is run by parent volunteers, please stop by if you’re interested in helping out or call the office on 9499 2171.
2nd Hand Uniform Donations
Currently accepting all IEPS branded uniform - t-shirts, polos, all styles of IEPS jumpers/hoodie/jackets and white trimmed school dresses.
Please double check all donations are washed and free from stains and rips or holes.
Uniform Swap is up and running. Feel free to stop by with your donation and take something in return.