School Nurse

Our School Nurses


Hi, I’m Lindsey, I am a Nurse and Registered Paramedic, I am a Volunteer with St John Ambulance and enjoy helping others.

My experience with school nursing started in 2011 and I have worked in both Primary and Secondary, Private and Public schools.

I currently do a bit of everything working here at Ivanhoe East Primary (my current favourite!) doing a few days in a secondary school, home wound care nursing and Hospital agency nursing.

Lindsey Booth 


School Nurse/ Paramedic 

(Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)


Sheree is a Registered Nurse with experience in a wide variety of healthcare areas. Sheree has cared for children and adults across various hospitals in the specialties of emergency and paediatrics. Sheree has experience in primary health care, including general practice, community nursing and school nursing - including a specialist school caring for children with disabilities. 



Registered Nurse 

(Monday & Tuesday)

Sickbay/Nurses Location

The School Nurses are located in the Main Building, entry via the Main Gate on Warncliffe Road (Gate 2). Please check in at the front office.

Sickbay attendance notification

If your child attends sickbay for any reason you will receive an automated text on Compass alerting you that your child visited. You will only receive a follow up call if there is more detailed information that needs to be communicated.

Medical Plans

If your child has any condition requiring an Action or Management plan (Asthma/Allergy/Anaphylaxis/Diabetes/Epilepsy) please ensure you have this updated and submitted at the start of each school year.
Blank plans can be found on the IEPS website under the “Our school – Medical plans” tab. Please have your child’s doctor complete and return to the Nurse each year or after any change to their condition.

Individual Management plans for Anaphylaxis, Allergy or Asthma

If your child suffers from Anaphylaxis, Allergy or Asthma we will send you a plan to fill in, in consultation with us each year. This is so we know if there is any strategies you prefer to keep your child safe while in our care. The plan has all of our general management for children with these conditions but also allows for you, the parent to have some input.


Teachers will send out all the information for camps well in advance, including a Medical Information sheet.
Medications should be returned to the Nurse the week prior to camp in the original packaging with:-

- Student’s name clearly on the pack

- Expiry date visible (and in date)

- Accompanying medical forms.


If your child needs medication on the day of an excursion a Medication Authority form will need to be completed, and the medication is to be delivered to the teacher in charge in the original packaging with the student name and expiry date visible.